Don’t get us started…don’t EVEN get us started! We LOVE Poi Planet so hard! Tracy, Guy and the team have taken such good care of us. We really don’t know where we would be without them! Oh we know…we wouldn’t have a voice. No audience. No one to clap and cheer for us after our bows. THANK YOU, POI PLANET for working so hard for us! WE LOVE BEING A PART OF YOUR MEAT! Oh wait… #insidejokes
Poi Plant Philosophy:
What’s wrong with PR these days? Well a few things. The industry has changed quite a bit, especially with the onslaught of social media. But in the end, it still seems to boil down to the foundation of a few key ingredients, at least in Poi Planet world. And those ingredients are a mixture of items such as a solid story angle to work with, attention grabbing content, and getting the word out .
On Poi Planet, we team up with our clients, research and dissect the various ways to slice up the “PR pie” on their behalf, and then mix and match different MarCom elements to create the right buzz that gets the attention. We take PR and do our best to make art because in our world, PR is still regarded as a communication art form, and if done right (along with a great amount of creativity), can make a world of difference. We believe in dreaming up cohesive, efficient, and integrative PR and MarCom campaigns for clients that connect directly to their business development goals, while also connecting to their audience. We believe in helping people, especially the little guy, because hey– the little guy rarely ever gets any help. We also believe in community and working with other like-minded folks and organizations. That’s it. Pretty simple.
We’re told time and time again from both our media pals and happy Poi Planet followers that it is our “Aloha Spirit” mixed with “L.A. Style,” that sets us apart from others. And that’s the Poi Planet Philosophy.